Part-time Work From Home Job Opportunities
Get as much as £250 for every new customer you find as a UW Partner

A part-time/work from home job for retired people
With more of us living longer in good health, far more of us are working well beyond the age of 65. If you’ve retired but aren’t quite ready to put your feet up just yet, talk to us at True Savings for a part-time job.
Our part-time, work from home jobs for retired give you plenty of time to do all the other things you love, while enjoying some extra income and the stimulation of continuing to work. You won’t even have to leave home to do it.
Part-time/work from home jobs for mums
Most jobs don’t generally fit conveniently around the school day or childcare times – but our part-time opportunities for mums do. Work from home when it suits you with True Savings, with a flexible schedule, putting in as much or as little time as you’re able, to suit you and your family – the real bosses!
Ideal if you’ve just had a baby, or are on maternity leave, and want to keep your hand in in the world of work, even if that’s just a few hours a week or month.

A part-time job if you're a carer
If your main role is looking after someone else, whether that’s a parent, partner or family member, finding work that fits round your caring commitments can be challenging. Want to keep your hand in with work, earn extra money and enjoy some stimulation and contact with others outside home?
At True Savings, we may well have the perfect opportunity for you, with the chance to put in flexible shifts from home, even if you’re only able to work a few hours weekly. (Of course, you can do more if you wish!) You’ll still have plenty of time to care for the person who matters most to you. Equally, do consider applying if you’re a paid carer working flexible part-time shifts.
Part-time jobs for firefighters
Firemen and women tend to work flexible 24-hour shift patterns which can leave longer blocks of free time than other roles, including during the day in the week.
That means many firefighters use their days off for hobbies, studying – or earning some welcome extra income.
Part-time from-home opportunities at True Savings slot around your day and night shifts, taking in evenings and weekends if you prefer. Work as few or as many hours as you’re able to, wherever in the country you’re based, without even having to go out!

Extra Benefits Of Becoming A UW Partner

Earn the smart way
If you would like to know more about becoming a UW Partner, please get in touch.
We look forward to hearing from you.
If you aren’t interested in becoming a UW partner but would like to use our services to save money on your utility bills, we can help.
One simple bill for gas, electricity, broadband, landline, mobile and insurance.